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frequency synthesis中文是什么意思

用"frequency synthesis"造句"frequency synthesis"怎么读"frequency synthesis" in a sentence


  • 频率合成


  • Secondly , introduce the frequency synthesis technology
  • The hybrid frequency synthesis technology dds + pll has many advantages
    Dds + pll频率合成方法有很多优点。
  • The purpose is to realize the wide - band , high - speed , low - phase - noise and low - cost frequency synthesis in l band
  • Dds ( direct digital frequency synthesis ) can just solve this problem , yet the output has an upper bound and high wideband spurs
    Dds (直接数字频率合成)的出现恰好可以弥补这一缺陷,但是它输出频率上限太低,宽带杂散大。
  • Single manner of frequency synthesis can have perfect effect on certain target . but no single one can meet all the technology requirements
  • The synthesizer with the low phase noise , highly pure spectrum and high - speed frequency agility has became the tendency to the frequency synthesis technology
  • The thesis used a fully digital method that employed the principle of direct digital frequency synthesis to realize the modulation based on dsp
  • Secondly , the principle and direct digital frequency synthesis ( dds ) is analyzed deeply . thirdly , the whole system is designed according to the design flow
  • Direct digital frequency synthesis ( dds ) is a new frequency synthesizing technique which is developed rapidly in recent years
    直接数字频率合成( dds )是近年来得到迅速发展的一种新兴频率合成技术,它具有频率精度高、切换速度快、相位连续等优点。
  • In fact every manner has advantages and disadvantages , so we can simultaneously use several ones ’ advantages which is called mixed frequency synthesis technology
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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